
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Birds around the Cape

You know, yesterday as I wandered around Cape May before work encountering almost no birders but lots of great birds, I couldn't help but wonder, where is everybody? Birder visitation peaks in late September-early October, but the birding stays good well into November. Witness the following report from Karl Lukens on this morning's Cape May Point walk:

"CMBO Birding at Cape May Point walk. Lots of ducks on the ponds and around the jettys. The The lighter colored female type Eurasian Wigeon was on Lighthouse Pond with numerous other wigeons and assorted ducks. The area of St. Peter's and St. Mary's jetties had 9 Common Eiders (down from 22 yesterday) including one which had some adult plumage. Surf Scoters were also mixed in. - Karl (Steve, Warren, Tom)"

Karl and company found 64 species, with other highlights including Eastern Meadowlarks, Hooded Mergansers, Bald Eagle, Red-shouldered Hawk. . . and Doug Gochfeld texted in a Golden Eagle from the hawk watch around 1:45 today.

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