
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Eiders Continue, Other Cape May Point Birds

[Two of the 26 Common Eiders off Cape May Point this morning. Photo by Karl Lukens.]

Karl Lukens reports the following from this morning's CMBO Birding Cape May Point Walk: "Rain and wind greeted us this morning. We decided to visit the pavilion dune crossover, Coral Ave. jetty, and the Sunset Grill porch for a seabird watch. There are still 26 Common Eiders (4 near adult drakes), both Black and Surf Scoters at the jetties, as well as 2 Purple Sandpipers and Ruddy Turnstones.

"From the state park, the Gannet count was 660, and at the concrete ship we found 2 Bonaparte's Gulls, 4 Long-tailed Ducks, and a couple of Parasitic Jaegers. - Karl (Warren, Steve, Bill, Tom)"

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