
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Swainson's Continues, Cave Swallow, King Eider, Late Season Pearls

[Winter Wren playing hide-and-seek at the Beanery this morning, one of five heard there. Click to enlarge.]

The Swainson's Hawk was perched in nearly the same place in the second/winery field at the Beanery this morning. Other Beanery birds of interest were Winter Wren, Rusty Blackbird, Pine Siskins (flyovers), a lingering Red-eyed Vireo, Eastern Meadowlarks, Eastern Bluebirds, and a flock of 40 American Pipits in the Stevens Street field.

The King Eider at Poverty Beach is a first-winter male type, and was still there today according to Chris Hajduk. While you're there, look for Snow Buntings - Doug Gochfeld had 7 southbound from Avalon this morning.

A Cave Swallow was seen from the hawkwatch at about 9:45 this morning, reported by Vince Elia. Melissa Roach, who is counting two days a week at the watch, had not counted a single raptor through 9 a.m., on a day with wind and water as still as glass. By days end only 28 raptors were recorded.

I was out fishing the Cape May Rips most of the day, and most birds, including about 6 Parasitic Jaegers, were sitting, waiting for some wind for motivation. Multiple flocks of Common Loons rested farther offshore, near Five Fathom Bank.

[One of the forty or so American Pipits at the Stevens Street field at the Beanery lingered on an above-ground perch.]

Chuck and MJ Slugg et. al. report "The Two Mile Beach walk was rather quiet although we had the "Two Mile" Peregrine eating breakfast on the radio tower and a "gray ghost" male Northern Harrier fly along the dune. A variety of ducks can be seen from the new platform looking toward Ocean Dr. Seaside Sparrows are present on the restaurant (Two Mile Landing) side of Ocean Drive."

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