
Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday Notes

The Ivory Gull put on a splendid show again this evening, feeding on dead fish directly next to the fish-cleaning dock at the Bree-Zee Lee. It headed off to roost at 4:37pm, last seen paralleling the Coast Guard Jetty along the north side of Cold Spring Inlet. It fed almost continuously from 3:45 to 4:30 next to the dock, before a gang of five Great Black-backs forced it out.

Also reported today was an/the American Avocet along the east path of the Meadows. This could be the latest Avocet ever recorded in Cape May. I'm aware of one other December record in the area, from Bivalve (Cumberland County) in 1999. An Orange-crowned Warbler was noted at the beginning of the State Park boardwalk today, too.

Doug Gochfeld tallied a southbound Parasitic Jaeger from the Seawatch, and I counted 4 Eurasian Wigeon on Lighthouse Pond at 3:00. News from the Northwood Center included sightings of Purple Finch and Fox Sparrow.

I haven't heard anything about the Swainson's Hawk or Rufous/Allen's Hummingbird in a few days. If you've seen either, let us know.

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