
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Avalon and Cape May Reports

[Three plumages of Harlequin Duck at Avalon this afternoon. Left to right, immature male, adult male, female. A fourth bird, an immature male, was there as well. Click to enlarge.]

The two Black-headed Gulls turned up at the Concrete Ship as well as the Ferry Terminal today. The two Sandhill Cranes were in the cornfield south of the cemetary again as well.

Avalon this evening hosted about 60 Common Eiders, 4 Harlequins, an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull, 10 Purple Sandpipers, Horned Grebes, both loons, &c. A Belted Kingfisher, the first I've had for a while, was along the Avalon Causeway.

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