
Monday, February 22, 2010

Wood Ducks, Eurasian Wigeon, Yellowlegs, Oystercatcher

[Wintering Greater Yellowlegs are routine in south coastal NJ, but anyone who saw the frozen, snow-covered marshes this month knows any still surviving are tough birds indeed. This one was along the Avalon Causeway this morning. Click to enlarge.]

There was a report of two Wood Ducks flying over the big pond at Villas WMA this morning, and Pete Dunne told me he had a flock of a dozen or so flying north near Turkey Point - spring migrants!

An American Oystercatcher flew past the 8th Street jetty at Avalon this morning, and a single female Harlequin lingered near the jetty.

A Eurasian Wigeon and 2 Redheads were found at Lighthouse Pond yesterday.

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