
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

King Eider Re-found + Field Sketching Workshop

Chris Hajduk reports that the King Eider at Poverty Beach has reappeared: "King Eider has been re-found. I wonder how long it will stick around? Many Common and Red-throated Loons. Some Commons exhibiting breeding plumage. Red-breasted Mergs, Black and Surf Scoters, and a Horned Grebe coming into breeding plumage. Adult Gannets and Bonaparte's Gulls off shore. A flock of 200 Dunlin on the jetty with a pair of Oystercatchers. In other sightings a Harbor Seal and the first pod of Dolphins were seen. - Chris H."

We've got great weather and just a few openings left for Michael O'Brien and Louise Zemaitis's Field Sketching Workshop on Saturday (hit the link and scroll down for the description). Call 609.861.0700 to register.

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