
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Yellow-throated Warbler, Eurasian Wigeon + "Interesting Swallow"

A pre-work wander around Belleplain turned up Louisiana Waterthrush singing every 30 seconds at Sunset Bridge, with Hermit Thrushes providing background music. Around the corner from "the other bridge," i.e. on New Bridge Road, a Yellow-throated Warbler was being a pain, which is to say doing what they and many other birds often do when they first arrive. It sang inconsistently, chipped a lot, and moved around a lot, a few songs here and then a few songs 150 yards down the road. Two Red-breasted and two White-breasted Nuthatches were at this spot as well.

I did check Jake's Landing on the way to Belleplain, but did not detect YTWA there.

In Cape May, Vince Elia had the male Eurasian Wigeon on Lighthouse Pond and 6 Wild Turkeys in a front yard along New England Road near Higbee. Glen Davis reported, and I quote, "a gazillion birds" from St. Mary's.

We got a vague report of an "interesting" pale-rumped swallow at the Beanery this morning. The observer didn't specify but presumably this is a Cliff v. Cave Swallow question. There are several spring records for Cave, including one on 25 March. We'll keep you posted.

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