
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ducks Down, Swallows Up

The CMBO Wednesday morning walk at the point was very interesting today, as we were clearly beyond the point of no return for winter birds! Ducks reached a new low for the year, with no sign of any wigeons (of any species!) but a nice scattering of Blue-winged Teal in their place. A goodly number of Turkey Vultures soared ever higher over the bay before heading back over our heads and at least three Ospreys fished the ponds and gave great views. A shiny-white pair of Forster's Terns graced Bunker Pond and we enjoyed wonderful close views of a nice batch of hirundines, that included Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Tree Swallow, Barn Swallow and Purple Martin. For a while they were also joined by a Chimney Swift which raced round within just a few yards of us. Brown Thrashers put on a magnificent show, an Eastern Towhee briefly flirted with us and a fine adult Bald Eagle circled in the distance. Six White-tailed Deer and a Muskrat ensured that we continued the now expected Wednesday morning mammal fest!

The full list for the morning can be found on our Field Trip Reports page.

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