
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Add Blue Grosbeak

[American Lady, Beaver Swamp Road lunchtime today. If this were a Painted Lady, it would, among other things, not have the white spot within the red-orange on the forewing, and on the hind wing would have 4 small spots, rather than the two large ones (partially hidden in the photo). Click to enlarge.]

Other than Richard Crossley's Blue Grosbeak, which he found Monday afternoon at the South Cape May Meadows (a.k.a. TNC Cape May Migratory Bird Refuge), I have little to add to Mike Crewe's post from yesterday - though I've just returned from Texas and have been digging out of 417 emails, so what do I know? A Yellow-throated Warbler was singing at Beaver Swamp WMA at lunch time, with the ubiquitous Pine Warblers.

The most recent report I'm aware of for the Brown-headed Nuthatch is from Sunday at the junction of Cape and Lincoln in Cape May Point.

[American Lady from above. The white spot within the orange cell of the forewing is lacking on Painted Lady.]

[Male Blue Corporal, Beaver Swamp.]

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