
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Early Morning Walks Produce The Birds

Migration has been slow at Cape May for the last two days, but that hasn't stopped our early morning walks from providing participants with good looks at some great birds. Our latest walk - Pete Dunne's regular Monday morning tour of The Nature Conservancy's Migratory Bird Refuge - certainly kept the trend going, so here's a pick of the pack from Karl Lukens:

One or two American Kestrels are now gracing Cape May with their presence; most will continue northward to breed.

Awesome views of an immature Bald Eagle, sat atop an Osprey platform. I later saw this same bird rob an Osprey of its fish over the Rea Farm fields - not a bad highlight to a drive to work!!

A Glossy Ibis wades through the murkiness of the Migratory Bird Refuge. From a distance, these birds can just look black, but close up, they have wonderful mahogany necks and iridescent green shoulders.

Piping Plovers are the highlight of any walk out onto Cape May's South Beach. These are specially protected birds, so do remember to give them plenty of space.

Our next morning walk will be around Cape May Point State Park, starting at 7:30AM at the Hawkwatch Platform near the lighthouse on Wednesday morning - see you there!

Elsewhere around Cape May Point, three Chimney Swifts were over New England Road on Monday evening and single Cattle Egret and Solitary Sandpiper still hang out at The Beanery, off Bayshore Road.

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