
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Catch-up: Scissor-tailed, MIKI, jaeger, Black Tern

Yesterday's sightings featured:

The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, staying all day yesterday at Hidden Valley, I believe last seen in the third = westermost field. If anyone gets a photo clearly showing the wing, flight or perched, please send it along, we'd like to try to age and sex the bird.

An adult Mississippi Kite, seen over various spots on Cape Island.

At least one Parasitic Jaeger, dark morph, seen from Sunset Beach and Cape May Point.

A Black Tern and lots of shorebirds and terns generally at the South Cape May Meadows yesterday evening, reported by Richard Crossley. There wes obvious shorebird movement at Cape May Point State Park yesterday afternoon, too, with passing flocks of Leasts, Semipalmated Plovers, Dunlin, etc.

I also heard of a Lark Sparrow at the nursing home/Cattle Egret spot along the parkway, don't have the exact directions at present, we'll post them when we do.

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