
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Windy, that's all, just windy...

So far today, all we have to report is that it's very windy. I gave Sunset Beach and Cape May Point a look first thing and didn't get any sign of anything out of the ordinary - a steady trickle of Double-crested Cormorants low over the waves and some hardy Forster's and Least Terns feeding close inshore. At Cape May Point State Park, most of the local colony of Purple Martins were hunkered down on the leeward side of the museum roof and some were even resting on the ground in the middle of the parking lot in an attempt to get out of the wind.

The little pond near the junction of Shunpike Road and Stimpsons Lane had a scattering of Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, two Least Sandpipers and at least five Solitary Sandpipers on it this morning, and a Cattle Egret has paid a visit I hear. No news either way on the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher might be bad news this late in the morning as I know that people have been going to look for it. Rose-breasted Grosbeaks currently are visiting the feeder at the CMBO Northwood Center - and while on the subject of feeders, take a look at the picture below that Karl Lukens just sent me - what are we going to do with these guys?!!

Raccoon-proof bird feeders being demonstrated by an expert on the subject!

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