
Monday, May 10, 2010

Kite, Godwit And A Little Flurry Of Activity

With birders starting to home in on Cape May, ready for this coming weekend's World Series of Birding, there's plenty of eyes out there, scouting and reporting birds. The wind has dropped a little today and my first glance out of the office window as I sat down to check emails revealed a Common Yellowthroat and Blue-headed Vireo, so there does seem to have been a few new arrivals overnight. Lily Lake, right out front of the CMBO Northwood Center currently has a good number of Bank, Barn and Cliff Swallows feeding low over the water and at least one of yesterday's two newly-arrived Ruddy Ducks is still present.

Other reports that have come our way today: at least one Mississippi Kite continues on the island, seen mid-morning over The Beanery; the Marbled Godwit continues at Thorofare Island (off the old Two-Mile Landing restaurant along Ocean Drive just south of Wildwood) and single Cattle Egrets are still scattered here and there - though mobile.

Keep on looking, it's all out there somewhere!

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