
Friday, June 11, 2010

An Evening on the Bayshore; Cape May Pt. News

The weather this evening was lovely, and there was just enough breeze to keep the biting insects at bay- even along the bayshore. Jake's Landing made for a great 45 minutes of birding, highlighted by at least 30 Willets, numerous Glossy Ibis, and ridiculously good looks at Seaside Sparrows and Marsh Wrens. A distant Harrier out toward the west gave signals of having a nest nearby, while three Black Skimmers eased their way up Dennis Creek.

A brief stop at Stipson's Island revealed much of the same, including great looks at two Marsh Wren nests near the parking area, several Black-crowned Night-Herons, and a distant Bald Eagle that repeatedly flushed the hundreds of gulls feeding along Delaware Bay.

Farther south, I hear that 215 Northern Gannets were exiting Delaware Bay in the 6-7pm timeframe this evening, as per Vince Elia. Also in related news, Black and Surf Scoters, as well as Wilson's Storm-Petrels, were again viewed from Cape May Point today.

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