
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Good Seawatching Continues

I met up with Vince Elia around 7 this morning, atop the dune crossover at St. Pete's, where we enjoyed the continuing Northern Gannet show. Birds were moving both in to and out of the bay this morning, and we probably saw somewhere in the ballpark of 250 birds. It's worth noting that Vince tallied 650(!) Gannets flying up the bay yesterday morning...a pretty remarkable total for mid-June.

Other highlights included a rather close and ragged-looking Brown Pelican that flew past heading south, the same quartet of Surf Scoters that have been hanging out in the neighborhood, and two Wilson's Storm-Petrels that weren't exactly "binocular birds". A single northbound Willet over the bay might have indicated a post-breeding, or failed-breeding, wanderer from farther south.

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