
Monday, November 1, 2010

GET OUT! + More on "The Flight of the Millenium"

Tony Leukering just texted that there's a great buteo and vulture flight underway, not to mention 4 Golden Eagles. GET OUT! (his words, and caps).

Meanwhile, back at the office. . .sigh. . . I see Tom Johnson has added his thoughts and photos on the weekend on View From the Field. I haven't finished compiling the total Autumn Weekend list, but it's pretty darn amazing.  And that's not the point - the VOLUME, the spectacle factor, is what made it special. The full list and more photos are pending.

A single Snow Bunting flew over Cook's Beach Road this morning. And, by way of prediction, if I were an owl, I would migrate tonight. . .and if I were a birder, I'd look for owls tomorrow, and will. . .

And, how funny is this: Karl Lukens points out, "Did anyone notice the bird of the weekend on the Sibley daily tear-off calendar was the HERMIT THRUSH !!!! Veeerrry interesting!"

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