
Monday, November 1, 2010

Golden Eagle Kind of Day, Leucistic Red-tailed Hawk, and the Henslow's Back Story

[11(!) Golden Eagles were recorded at the hawk watch today (Monday). Derek Stoner beautifully captured this one yesterday while looking for the Henslow's Sparrow.]

It turns out the Higbee Henslow's Sparrow (not reported today that I know of, scroll down for a photo) was first found and tentatively identified by my neighbors, Bob and Stephanie Brown. Bob found Michael O'Brien, who came over and made a postitive i.d.. Michael et. al. facilitated a large group of birders so that many folks got good looks. It apparently was the last North American sparrow for one participant, who made a donation to CMBO in Michael's name.

 [Above, and two below, the very cool looking leucistic Red-tailed Hawk, which appeared at the hawk watch yesterday and apparently was seen at Villas WMA the day before.  Richard Crossley found it again today near Lighthouse Pond. Click to enlarge photos. Tony Leukering took the ones above and directly below, and nailed it.]

[The leucistic Red-tailed Hawk hunted the perimiter of Lighthouse Pond on Sunday, and eventually made it's way around to perch and fly in front of my Autumn Weekend group. Awesome ending to an awesome weekend.]
[Hawkwatcher.  A different Red-tailed, normal in plumage if not behavior, Cape May Point State Park last Thursday, October 28.]

In other news, a Tundra Swan appeared on Bunker Pond today, and 2 female Redheads were on Lighthouse Pond.

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