The Nature Conservancy is located in Eldora, Cumberland County. Not too far away from where the Calliope hummingbird had been earlier in the month. You simply continue north on Rt. 47. A description of sightings and TNC's address is below provided by Damon Noe. Also a photo of the bird at the top of a Norway spruce. Very nice photo!
".....The Nature Conservancy (NJ Delaware Bayshores) here at our office in Eldora.
The address is 2350 Route 47 Delmont, NJ 08314.
The bird has been seen on and off for about 5 days now. I have seen it feeding on my tall cylindrical bird feeder near my office window which is located in the rear building. It's not always there though, so it's pot luck if someone wants to check it out. I was told there were a bunch of people with scopes today looking at the feeder. I don't know if they saw it or not. I did see it as I was leaving at 4:30 P.M. today. I followed it after it took off once today and got a really cool pic of it at the end of a Norway spruce bough. The quality is poor due to me shrinking it down considerably but you get the idea."
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