Article and photos by Michael Kilpatrick
It is easy to take for granted
things right underfoot. Recently, while enjoying a visit to a local jetty, it
became apparent that one hundred years ago I would have been drifting with
water over my head in the tide. Jetties are relatively modern structures, but
many of us visit these rock piles not realizing their impact. Irrespective of
the pros and cons of coastal engineering, jetties provide unique opportunities
for birders. Though we may love them or hate them, certain birds unequivocally
love them. Blue mussels and sea ducks meet on these rock piles and produce
world class opportunities for birders and photographers.
Black and Surf Scoters feeding in rough seas over submerged
rock structure at Avalon.
Long-tailed Ducks cruising along Barnegat Inlet Jetty |
Just how old are our local
jetties? A review of historic aerial maps and Corps of Engineer records note that
the first jetties appeared around 1911 with the inception of the Cold Springs
Inlet (Cape May Harbor) jetties. Structures were added to the Cape May area,
Barnegat, Shark River and Manasquan between 1920 and 1940. The structures in
Hereford Inlet and Townsend’s Inlet are more modern, dating to the mid and late
1960’s. These structures created a new habitat dynamic and jetties became home
to numbers of fish, crustaceans, mollusks, invertebrates and vegetative growth,
all food sources for birds. Also, part of the dynamic is an accessible platform
for people beyond the surf line, with deep water and currents favorable for sea
duck viewing. One unintended benefit of jetties is that they provide a steady
food source for sea ducks – Blue Mussels.
Newer structure at Townsend's Inlet |
Older structure at Stone Harbor beachfront |
Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis) lives in
temperate and polar waters, colonizing both coasts of the North Atlantic and
North Pacific, as well as similar areas in the Southern Hemisphere. It favors
oceanic and estuarine conditions and colonizes hard substrates. Our Atlantic
Coast inlets have excellent flow of nutrients, salinity, and water temperature
to support Blue Mussel colonization. Even without jetties, the Blue Mussel can
be found attached to eel grass and other softer substrates. But they thrive on
rocks and it is on the rock jetties that it plays out to our greatest advantage,
where we can walk out past the surf line.
Blue Mussels colonized on local jetty. |
Surf Scoter with catch of Blue Mussels. |
Blue Mussel is the most consumed mollusk in the world and consumption extends
beyond the plates served in favorite restaurants. Through more than a half
century of research and analysis of stomach content, the Blue Mussel has been,
and still is, a predominant and important food source for sea ducks.
Greater Scaup with meal of Blue Mussels. |
Surf Scoter with mouthful of Blue Mussels. |
For scoters in oceanic
environments, the Blue Mussel dominates diet selection, comprising up to 50% of
their collective diet. Common Eiders rely on Blue Mussels and no other duck
depends to such an extent upon a single food source. Long-tailed Ducks, scaup,
and Harlequin Ducks have a much more diverse diet, yet the mussel is still an
important winter food source. More simply stated, if sea ducks dined in seafood
restaurants, we may not get a seat. The colonization of the Blue Mussel on
jetties helps bring these mostly distant feeders to the edge of the shore and
often within very close distances.
Common Eiders feeding over submerged jetty
structure at Barnegat
Long-tailed Duck feeding on a Blue Mussel. |
The Harlequin Duck’s presence in
Barnegat Inlet every year could be attributed to the Blue Mussel colonies on
the jetty. Charles Urner conducted weekly counts of ducks on and around Barnegat
for twelve years between June of 1923 and June of 1935. These counts are
reported by Witmer Stone in Bird Studies
at Old Cape May. During those 12
years, he notes numbers of Brant, American Black Ducks, and diving ducks, but
only four sightings of Harlequin Duck. The Barnegat Jetty was constructed
between 1934 and 1940. Is it possible that today’s regular appearance of the
Harlequin Duck in Barnegat Inlet is due to the Blue Mussel’s presence on the
Harlequin prying mussels with bill. |
Eye to eye with a preening Harlequin Duck. |
Jetties, Blue Mussels, and sea ducks have become a winter
tradition, but it is worth noting a shorebird species that is part of this
tradition. The Purple Sandpiper was rarely recorded in New Jersey until the
construction of the Cold Springs Inlet (Cape May Harbor) jetty. Again,
referring to Bird Studies at Old Cape May,
Stone notes: “Until the winter of 1924-25, there was, so far as I am aware, only
two definite records of the Purple Sandpiper on the New Jersey coast…….With the
construction of the stone jetty at the mouth of the Cape May Harbor, a few of
these birds are to be found, probably every winter, feeding among the rocks…”.
This prompts the same question: is it possible today’s regular appearance of
the Purple Sandpiper is due to the presence of the jetties and sea walls?
Purple Sandpiper foraging in Blue Mussels |
Through winters, summers and migration, our jetties are used
by many species, but for the avian enthusiast, winters on our jetties are
special and the sea ducks steal the show. This was all summed up for me by a UK
visitor met at the Barnegat Inlet Jetty, who repeated several times: “You are
so fortunate to have such opportunities here….and the ducks are so close….we
never have such opportunities at home and came here to see them….it is
amazing!”. For those that brave the cold and visit our local jetties, do not
take them for granted, as they represent an opportunity that does not exist for
all and was not available to those in the past. And never take for granted what
is unde foot….a slip and fall on granite can be very unforgiving!
Black Scoter landing in feeding flock. |
Greater Scaup with Blue Mussel in corner of bill.
Note: all photos were taken from jetties and sea walls
located from Cape May Inlet to Barnegat Inlet.
Surf Scoter with catch of Blue Mussels. |
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