[Karl Lukens took the above photo of an Olive-sided Flycatcher at CMBO's Friday evening "Meadows" walk. ]
The state park Lark Sparrow was not reported again on Friday.
Here's the word from CMBO's Friday evening walk: "Started off with a great bird in the parking lot - Olive-sided Flycatcher in the tree across the street. Stayed for about 5 minutes and then flew back behind the houses. Good variety of ducks and waders but shorebirds were scarce. Also enjoyed a number of Merlins and a Parasitic Jaeger chasing terns.- Karl (Judy, Chuck, Mary Jane, Kathy)" This walk is at 5:00 p.m. each Friday in October EXCEPT October 24, when there will be no evening walk at the meadows.
Dave Tetlow may have cleared up the Mississippi Kite "mystery" - the mystery being whether or not there was more than one. He reported seeing two together at Hidden Valley Friday morning. He also found a Connecticut Warbler there. Another kite (almost certainly one of the same ones, how many can there be?) was seen again from the hawk watch platform, also on Friday.
We received a report of a Western Kingbird, with photos and description adding up, at the Stone Harbor Bird Sanctuary in the past few days, I'm not sure of the exact date it was seen, nor if it has been seen again. This is the site of the former heron rookery between 2nd and 3rd Avenues.
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