On the heels of a record-breaking Cape May Hawk Watch count of 459 Bald Eagles and the recent discovery of the first Bald Eagle nest south of the Cape May Canal, last weekend's Mid-winter Bald Eagle Survey in southern NJ (coordinated by NJAS) seems likely to also set records. Results for the entire survey are not yet compiled, but I can tell you at least 25 eagles were on the Maurice River and 33 on the Cohansey River (both Cumberland County, NJ), because that's where I was lucky enough to be.
Just as exciting as the numbers were the age ratios. During the DDT years immature eagles were few and far between - indeed, the absence of young birds was one of the warnings that DDT was affecting raptors. The breakdown on the two river systems this year was:
24 adults
13 juveniles (first life year, second calendar year)
2 "white-belly I" (=second life year=third calendar year)
2 "white belly II" (= third life year=fourth calendar year)
4 transition (=4th life year=fifth calendar year)
15 immatures too distant to age exactly
It's easy to be doom-and-gloom about bird populations, but here's one formerly endangered bird that, thanks to efforts by many people, clearly has recovered - mission accomplished! Let's not drop the ball on this particular mission. . .
Other birds near the Maurice River included a flock of American Tree Sparrows on the west side of the Maurice River Bridge, Common and Hooded Mergansers various places, Northern Pintails at the Maurice River bluffs, and Common Goldenye at Shellpile, along with a zillion gulls that seemed to contain nothing special, but I'd bet there are white-wingeds and lessbacks to be had there. The Cohansey had a similar duck collection.
In other bird news, Tom Reed watched 10,000+ American Robins come to roost at Jake's Landing Saturday night - good luck finding a European rarity in that! Vince Elia had the pretty male Pine Warbler along the Cape May dunes at Saint Peters yesterday - that bird and the flock it hangs with (which includes Red-breasted Nuthatches) moves around the point. The Sandhill Crane was seen yesterday both at Villas WMA by several birders and on Cape Island on Shunpike Road at the pond east of the road by Mike Crewe. Mike will be co-leading this weekend's Cape May Winter Birding Sampler workshop with me - there's still room, sign up now!
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