Down at the Point! A loose 'gathering of the clans' seemed to take place today, with quite a few birders finding themselves all heading for Cape May Point and the state park in search of birds. Sam Galick and Tom Reed reported a Cackling Goose flying north with 49 Canada Geese in the morning and the same duo found a female Common Goldeneye on Lighthouse Pond mid-morning - though it appeard to have gone by lunchtime. At least two Ospreys and five Bald Eagles were noted around lunchtime too and the lakes continue to hold a nice selection of ducks - though numbers are already low now. Good numbers of American Robins can be found pretty much anywhere there is a lawn right now; last Friday's stormy weather seems to have brought a lot of earthworms closer to the surface.

Cindy Ferguson stopped by the Northwood Center this afternoon with some great photos of Pine Warblers at Cape May Point State Park - she found at least six of them there so looks like they're heading back to the breeding grounds.
Another one of Cindy's photos of a Pine Warbler at the state park. If you're looking for early Pine Warblers, don't forget that they like to spend time feeding on the ground (see upper picture).
Not to forget the guys in the north, Dave Lord reported a Seaside Sparrow in song at Turkey Point, Cumberland County, today and a late afternoon Osprey at Jake's Landing was called in by Karen Johnson and Janet Crawford.
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