The imm. male Golden Eagle seen and later banded in Cape May today will have fewer places to hunt in coming years if NJ public question #1 does not pass. Please vote yes on Tuesday - and why not email every person in your address book asking them to vote, too? There is foolish opposition to passing this question - check the NJ Keep it Green web site for info about question one, which if passed will provide $400 million to fund open space. [Many readers are not from NJ, but please bear with us, this is hugely important for conserving the Cape May bird life we all treasure (and email your NJ friends!). It's a Yellow-rumped Warbler reading the sign].
Back to the bird news. Winds are forecast to be northwest 5-10 mph tomorrow morning, increasing as the day wears on. Melissa Roach, CMBO's seasoned interpretive naturalist, who is now the second woman to count hawks from the platform in Cape May (swing counting two days a week), should have a good flight - perhaps another Golden, or a Goshawk, or Rough-legged, and almost certainly good numbers of buteos and accipters.
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