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A Northern Harrier and Red-tailed Hawk circle over the Hawkwatch platform. [Photo by Emily Wilmoth.]
I am writing my final blog post with a bittersweet feeling. Working in Cape May this fall was an absolutely amazing experience that went by way too quickly. All the birds that were seen and the conversations that were had made this season unforgetable. On behalf of Margeaux, Jordan, and myself, I would like to thank everyone for being so kind and encouraging. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, experiences, and food with us. :)
Throughout September and October, a whopping 231 species of birds were spotted from the Hawkwatch platform. This list includes Whiskered Tern, Common Raven, and Zone-tailed Hawk as some highlights. It is incredible how much diversity can be seen from a single location in as little time as just two months. Mary will continue counting hawks through November, so there is still time to add even more species to the season Hawkwatch list.
This past week in Cape May was just as exciting as any. A variety of ducks continued to show up on Bunker pond, including the first Redhead and Bufflehead of the season. Thursday was the highest hawk count of the fall so far, with 2,003 hawks (including a Rough-legged Hawk). A Great Horned Owl perched in a tree at the State Park that evening added a special ending to an outstanding day.
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A female Redhead on Bunker Pond. She is not always the easiest bird to spot as she spends a lot of time diving under the surface. [Photo by Emily Wilmoth.] |
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One of the 68 Red-shouldered Hawks counted on Thursday, October 30.
[Photo by Emily Wilmoth.] |
With so much excitement going on, it is really difficult to say goodbye. However, I am certain that this is not the last you will see of your 2014 seasonal naturalists. We all love Cape May and will definitely be back to visit in the future. So, we will just say see you later!
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