A few quick updates before we're out the door a'gulling: The Ivory Gull continues through sunset yesterday (Tuesday) at the Breezee Lee Marina, where it fed on fish carcasses and gave point blank views.
The Swainson's Hawk also continues in Cape May, usually at the Beanery, seen from near the junction of Bayshore Road and Stevens Street, or sometimes at the TNC Cape Island Preserve, reached at the east end of Wilson Ave. off Broadway.
Michael O'Brien found an Orange-crowned Warbler at Cape May Point State Park on the yellow trail at the stream crossing. Doug Gochfeld had a Parasitic Jaeger yesterday at Avalon. The Rufous/Allen's Hummingbird (everyone is leaning towards Rufous) remains at the corner of Coral and Cambridge. Derek Stoner had a female Blue-winged Teal and Horned Lark at the Beanery on Monday.
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