Despite the December overcast darkness and an empty parking lot, Cape May Point State Park could hardly have provided a more productive pre-work half-hour than it did this morning. A juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk flushed as I passed through the Red Trail cedars, and then perched. As I approached the aluminum bridge on the Yellow Trail, I heard a sharp tyik and soon tracked down an Orange-crowned Warbler, probably the same one that has been seen in that area on and off. Orange-crowned's call note is pretty distinctive, sharp and somehow more sparrow-like than warbler-like. You certainly know it wasn't a Yellow-rumped when you hear it. Among the other landbirds were multiple Fox Sparrows, catbirds and Brown Thrasher.
The state park ponds are still loaded with ducks, including the Eurasian Wigeon (plural), Hooded Merganser, etc. Although there are multiple Eurasians, I kept track and had to look at over 100 American Wigeon before I hit one. A Snow Bunting flew over the dune crossover near the hawk watch, probably the same one Michael O'Brien had seconds before from St. Mary's, or so I later found out.
Doug Gochfeld reported an interesting distant fog-obscured gull at the seawatch - as in Sabine's/Black-legged Kittewake interesting - so Michael and I went over to the Second Avenue jetty to scan for a while. Nothing fancier than Bonaparte's Gulls passed, though they are fancy indeed. A single Laughing Gull migrated south as well. Doug also had a crazy late American Restart at Avalon this morning.
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