CMBO's Intro to Bird Photography Workshop, led by professional photographer (and excellent teacher) Scott Whittle, had some good opportunities for practice along the Delaware Bay this afternoon, as new birds had arrived or even were arriving as we watched. These included 4 Piping Plovers (I hear Richard Crossley had two more on the beach in Cape May today), several Ospreys, a flock of 16 Great Egrets, and many more Forster's Terns than there were yesterday.
There are still a very few spaces on our second photo workshop April 10-11.
Northern Gannets, in groups of 5 to 20, streamed out of Delaware Bay early this morning, as viewed from the end of Sunset Blvd. at the Concrete Ship.
[A Black-headed Gull cooperated around 11:00 a.m. this morning at Miami Beach in the Villas.]
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